Penentuan Strategi dalam Keberhasilan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam


  • Muhamad Fatih Rusydi Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ihyaul Ulum Gresik



Islamic Education Institutions, Education Strategy, Competitive Education


The development of the world of science and technology and the era of globalization are in sight, the world of education needs to determine success as a goal to produce graduates who are in accordance with the demands of society. For this reason, the school needs to make improvements in terms of professional human resources, reliable management, quality teaching and learning activities, and access to quality higher education institutions both at home and abroad as well as the availability of high-quality infrastructure. national and international education. The challenges of educational institutions are getting tougher, especially for planning and management implementers, policy makers on educational affairs such as the government, namely by having tools or devices to evaluate educational development, especially the performance of educational services for the community optimally. One of the managerial strategies that need to be developed is the guarantee of an organization (school) that has the durability and viability from the present and is sustainable into the future, namely by conducting a SWOT analysis. Educational institutions that are precisely under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion must be institutions that are able to implement competitive strategies not only in teaching students from the knowledge aspect, but Islamic educational institutions must be able to teach from the religious aspect as the foundation of education. One of the innovations that can be offered by educational institutions is a strategy to increase the success of the institution


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How to Cite

Fatih Rusydi, M. (2022). Penentuan Strategi dalam Keberhasilan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam. College Quality Assurance Journal, 1(1), 88–95.


